Apk Not Showing In Thumbnail View In Jellybean ?
Have been
using android 4 ics for a while, I used to make backups of apps and images on
sd card, I never faced a problem of viewing apps and images in thumbnail view
on sd card but after using jellybean rom I started to face a small problem that
the default file manager in jellybean doesn’t show thumbnail view on sd card so
after searching a lot, I have finally found a app which will show thumbnail
view of apps and images on sd card in jellybean or any other rom. So if you are
using jellybean and if you are also searching for a solution believe me you are
at a right page with us here. App name fylee file manager is the best file
manager to replace the default file manager for jellybean roms.Here is a file
manager which shows apk in thumbnail view on sd card.
Install Fylee File Manager - Download from Playstore
Features :
manager with a beautiful user interface;
navigation between internal and external storage;
Fast file
operations (copy/move/delete/rename);
Easy file
sharing (i.e. Via bluetooth, email, wifi, etc.);
for supported file types;
Sorting by
name, type, size or date;
for quick access to frequently used folders;
Zip file
compression/decompression support;
file and folder information;
free file manager - no advertisements